4 Picks, 4 Avoids Stay Healthy This Vegetarian Festival

Health News

28 Jan 2025

4 Picks, 4 Avoids Stay Healthy This Vegetarian Festival

      The Vegetarian Festival 2025 is approaching! During this festival, besides abstaining from meat, maintaining a healthy diet is equally important. Many vegetarian dishes can be high in sodium, and consuming too much sodium may lead to health issues. Today, we bring you 4 Healthy Picks and 4 Things to Avoid for a healthier vegetarian diet—"Less Salt, Less Disease"

4 Healthy Picks for a Nutritious Vegetarian Diet

  • Eat more vegetables and fruits to boost your immune system with vitamins and fiber.
  • Avoid MSG and opt for low-sodium seasoning.
  • Skip extra seasoning as soy sauce and other condiments already contain hidden sodium.
  • Choose products with the “Healthier Choice” symbol that indicate balanced levels of sugar, fat, and salt.


4 Things to Avoid to Stay Away from NCDs During the Festival

  • Finishing soups or broths. Sodium from seasonings is mostly dissolved in the liquid.
  • Processed foods with preservatives and additives high in sodium.
  • Pickled or fermented foods like pickles or salted vegetables that are high in sodium.
  • Snack foods, whether salty or not, often contain hidden sodium.


      Phitsanulok Hospital encourages everyone to uphold the tradition of the Vegetarian Festival by choosing healthy foods. Keep in mind that daily sodium intake should not exceed 2,000 mg (equivalent to 1 teaspoon of salt or 5 grams). Ideally, each meal should contain no more than 600 mg of sodium to reduce the risk of NCDs (Non-Communicable Diseases) such as heart disease, stroke, hypertension, and chronic kidney disease.



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