5 health care tips for new mothers

Mom & Kids

07 Aug 2024

5 health care tips for new mothers

      For women, becoming a mother is one of the most significant events in life. New mothers often strive to do their best in this role. However, postpartum health care is equally important. It is essential for mothers to know how to take care of themselves after pregnancy to ensure they regain their strength and return to normal as quickly as possible. Today, we have 5 health care tips for new mothers.

  • Get enough rest. Inadequate sleep can have direct negative effects on the body, preventing proper recovery.
  • Supplement with calcium or drink milk regularly, and choose nutritious foods from all five food groups.
  • Keep breasts and nipples clean. After childbirth, a mother's milk often flows continuously, and the baby will drink from the mother's breasts. Therefore, it is crucial to clean them thoroughly. The best method is to use a cotton pad soaked in warm water to wipe around the breasts and nipples before each feeding.
  • Exercise regularly to strengthen and increase the flexibility of the muscles.
  • Monitor health conditions. Mothers should keep track of their health as well as the baby's health. In case of any abnormalities post-delivery, or health issues with the mother or baby, it is important to consult a doctor for appropriate treatment.

      Postpartum self-care is as important as taking care of the baby. If new mothers have good postpartum health, they will be able to take care of their baby fully. Therefore, postpartum self-care should not be neglected or overlooked.


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