5 self-care tips when you have "diabetes"

Health News

14 Nov 2023
5 self-care tips when you have "diabetes"

      Diabetes is a condition that can lead to long-term complications, and some abnormal symptoms may not immediately appear. However, if there are abnormal symptoms, they may not be reversible. Controlling diabetes within the target range and monitoring complications is something that patients should do in addition to taking diabetes medications. Today, we have 5 self-care tips for when you have diabetes.

  • Consume a healthy diet for diabetes (reduce sweet, fatty, and salty foods). Choose unpolished rice to control the appropriate amount of carbohydrates. Consume high-fiber foods, vegetables, and fruits. It's essential to avoid foods with high sugar content, such as sugary drinks, soda, and sweets.
  • Exercise regularly because regular exercise can help lower blood sugar levels. However, it's essential not to overstrain and choose the type of exercise that is suitable for your physical condition.
  • Maintain foot hygiene. Wash your feet with plain water and mild soap every day and dry them thoroughly to prevent moisture, which can lead to easy wound formation. Choose comfortable and not too tight or too loose shoes. Regularly check your feet for wounds, bruises, or ingrown nails.
  • Maintain a healthy weight within standard limits. Do not let your weight increase or become overweight because it will make diabetes control more challenging.
  • Regularly see a doctor and follow up as scheduled. Seeing a doctor as scheduled is something that should be strictly followed to receive accurate health checks and appropriate advice. Continuously adjust your care plan.



      In addition to regular self-care, diabetes patients and those who care for them must learn and understand diabetes and self-care in both normal and emergency situations.


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