6 self-care tips during pregnancy

Mom & Kids

05 Aug 2024

6 self-care tips during pregnancy

      For new mothers who know they are pregnant, it is natural to feel concerned about prenatal care. Since the little one will be in the mother's womb for nine months, it is crucial for parents to pay close attention and cooperate to ensure a healthy and strong baby. Today, we have 6 self-care tips during pregnancy for everyone.

  • Diet : Pregnant mothers should eat a balanced diet consisting of all five food groups and drink enough water.
  • Exercise : Engage in appropriate exercise and maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy.
  • Rest : Get adequate sleep to ensure the well-being of both mother and baby.
  • Smoking and alcohol : Avoid smoking, alcohol, and any kind of substance abuse.
  • Chemical use : Avoid all chemicals. Consult a doctor before using any medication or cosmetics.
  • Hygiene : Keep the body clean and avoid hot baths.

      Throughout pregnancy, both parents should work together to maintain quality prenatal care by eating properly, living hygienically, working and exercising moderately, and not worrying about pregnancy, childbirth, and newborn care. It is important for mothers to know the techniques for prenatal care and to be under the supervision of a doctor to be prepared for childbirth, follow proper practices, and protect the health of both mother and baby.


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