6 Tips for "taking care of the child" when having a high fever

Health News

04 Sep 2023

6 Tips for "taking care of the child" when having a high fever

      When a child is unwell and has a fever, they often experience a rise in body temperature before other symptoms. While adults might consider feeling warm as a common occurrence, this might not be the case for children due to their smaller body surface area. Heat dissipation can be slower in children, but heat generation happens more rapidly. If high body temperature is left unchecked, a child might experience fever-induced seizures. Today, we have some tips on how to care for your child when they have a high fever:

  • Administer paracetamol for fever reduction; avoid using aspirin.
  • Sponge the body with lukewarm water to help lower the fever. Use water at normal temperature and sponge areas like the head, neck, armpits, groin, and calf to assist in fever reduction.

  • Ensure the child drinks plenty of water to replace fluids lost through sweating.
  • If the child has mucus, provide child-friendly mucus-relief medication.
  • Let the child rest significantly to reduce bodily energy consumption.
  • If the fever persists despite medication and sponging, consult a doctor.

      Proper sponging can help expedite recovery from fever by up to 2 times. Sponging is an effective method to reduce fever, allowing water to help dissipate heat from the body. After sponging, wait around 15-30 minutes before retaking the temperature. Be cautious, however, if the child exhibits signs of shivering, as you should stop sponging immediately. If the condition doesn't improve, seek medical attention promptly.



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