8 risky behaviors you must be careful of! “Kidney disease”

Health News

21 Oct 2023

"Kidney disease" Danger that should not be overlooked !

      Kidney disease is a serious condition that should not be underestimated. In Thailand, more than 17.5% of the population suffers from chronic kidney disease, and it can affect people of all ages, including children. This group of diseases often involves lifestyle behaviors that accumulate slowly over time. Once symptoms of the disease develop, they often lead to chronic conditions.

8 risky behaviors to watch out for in kidney disease prevention

  • Holding in Urine
  • Drinking Too Little or Too Much Water
  • Consuming Highly Seasoned, Sweet, Salty, Spicy, or Fatty Foods
  • Consuming Excessive Protein
  • Consuming Processed Foods Regularly
  • Inadequate Rest and Sleep
  • Consuming Alcohol in Large Amounts
  • Self-Prescribing Medication Without Consulting a Doctor



      Chronic kidney disease can be prevented by avoiding various risky behaviors that affect your health and kidney function. Regular health check-ups can also help diagnose kidney disease risk factors in a timely manner. If any abnormalities are detected, you can receive appropriate treatment promptly.


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