Chronic back pain! Key symptoms of spinal stenosis

Health News

16 May 2023

Chronic back pain! Key symptoms of spinal stenosis

      Spinal stenosis is a degenerative disease of the intervertebral discs. It is an age-related physical change and is often associated with osteoarthritis. If there are severe symptoms of spinal stenosis, the doctor will treat the patient with surgery.

Causes of spinal stenosis

      When the intervertebral disc deteriorates, it affects the weight bearing. This causes the intervertebral discs and spinal joints to enlarge and thicken the surrounding tissues until the compression of the nerves inside the spinal cavity.

Symptoms of spinal stenosis

  • legs or feet are weak
  • Legs and feet are tingling.
  • Back pain, waist pain and hip pain
  • leg cramps
  • Can't walk more than 150 meters
Spinal stenosis treatment
  • Use of antibiotics or muscle relaxants For pain relief, such as ibuprofen, naproxen, and acetaminophen. Long-term use of these types of drugs should not be used.
  • Steroid injections can help reduce inflammation and relieve pain. However, steroid injections carry the risk of nerve root irritation and swelling at the injection site. Repeated steroid injections can result in weakened nearby bones and connective tissue.
  • Physiotherapy will help patients have better balance, help build flexibility and strength of the spine as well as body strength.
  • Surgery, such as percutaneous lumbar compression surgery (PILD), minimally invasive lumbar spine surgery (MILD), and Laminoplasty
Risk group that needs to be careful
  • Middle-aged adults aged 50 years and over
  • Menopausal women
  • Abdominal obesity patients who are overweight
  • Diabetes patients
  • Those who work or do activities that often require heavy lifting.
  • Those who have had an accident with spinal injuries
      If you see someone close to you or the elderly who have back pain regularly while traveling and have leg pain that requires frequent rest, this may be a warning sign of 'Spinal stenosis' which is caused by degeneration of the spine. Consult a specialist to diagnose and treat the disease immediately.

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