Did you know? COVID-19 has not disappeared yet.

Health News

11 Jul 2023

Did you know? COVID-19 has not disappeared yet.

      The SARS-CoV-2 virus, XBB strain, is a variant that may experience increased spread in Thailand in the year 2566 (2023). This particular variant is a sub-lineage with ancestral roots from Omicron BA.2. It is anticipated that the XBB virus may further mutate and give rise to new sub-lineages rapidly. Individuals who have not previously been infected with COVID-19 are likely to experience more severe symptoms compared to those who have had prior COVID-19 infections. Today, we have a new variant called XBB.1.16, so it's important for friends to be vigilant.

  • High fever,Cough

  • Loss of smell and taste

  • Inflamed and red eyes, resembling conjunctivitis, with an itchy rash (Individuals with pre-existing conditions such as conjunctivitis or allergies should take extra caution.)

      According to reports on the spread of COVID-19, the new Omicron hybrid variant, including XBB.1.16, has not been found to be as severe or have a high fatality rate as compared to previous variants, especially among individuals who have received mRNA vaccines. Vaccination significantly reduces the risk of severe illness. However, individuals with weakened immune systems should consider receiving additional booster shots, especially during periods of high transmission.



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