Get the first dose of the vaccine to your birth baby with "Breast milk".

Health News

04 Jan 2023

Get the first dose of the vaccine to your birth baby with "Breast milk"

      Breastfeeding have starting with baby’s birth to 2 years old or longer. it will help them grow naturally and have a healthy body. It also helps with immunity since the baby is still an infant. When infant grow up, breast milk can reduces the risk of developing various diseases, including complete brain development and emotional intelligence.

Nutrients in breast milk are divided into 3 phases:

  • Phase 1 Colostrum Milk : First 1-3 days The milk is yellow. Some people call that milk is colostrum. Because, it contains much higher carotene than later milk. This stage of milk is very rich, consisting of various proteins that help build the immune system.  Essential nutrients such as minerals, vitamins for brain growth and your child's vision, as well as mild laxative effects, can help your child's excretion.
  • Phase 2 Transitional Milk : After the first 5 days to 2 weeks, Milk has  turns to  milky white, which contains more nutrients, both fats and sugars that are suitable for the body's growth.
  • Phase 3 Mature Milk: After the first 2 weeks. Breast milk is larger and contains the macronutrients needed for the growth of the baby.
  • Proteins that contribute to inhibition from the growth of certain pathogens Increase immunity. 
  • Essential fatty acids for the body that are important for the development of the nervous system and vision.
  • Lactose sugar has five times more than what's found in cow's milk, and HMOs have also been found to help build the immune system.
  • Vitamins and minerals  are important for growth
  • Anti-oxidant and growth factor that contributes to the functioning of the intestinal tract, blood vessels. The nervous system and the hormonal system that regulates growth.

The benefits of breast milk to the beloved baby 

  • Brain Development, breast milk also helps the development of the child's brain and neurons to function perfectly.
  • Immune system, it helps the baby build immunity against illness. 
  • Growth of the body, breast milk is important for the physical development of the baby to grow normally. 
  • dental health in children, when the upper teeth rise. They won't overlap.


Benefits of breastfeeding

  • Physical Health during when breastfeeding, the hormone oxytocin is secreted and while the mother's body produces milk. It takes nearly 500 Kcal of energy to get the mother back in better shape as before pregnancy.
  • Emotionally, oxytocin can help the mother reduces postpartum depression, make happiness while breastfeeding. It helps to build love and bond between mother and child. 

      In addition to breastfeeding, it helps for  the growth of the baby. The most important of  breastfeeding thatt helps to creating love and relationship between mother and child as well. Because, when the mother makes eye contact with the baby and embraces the baby. It helps mothers to develop a sense of motherhood as well. This enables the mother to produce the hormone oxytocin for happiness and also allows the mother to produce more milk.

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