How to cope? The average temperature range is almost 40 degrees.

Health News

03 Apr 2023

How to cope? The average temperature range is almost 40 degrees.

      the weather is hot in Thailand right now, This makes many people almost reluctant to step outside their air-conditioned rooms.However,we still have to travel or may need to work outdoors for many hours. How can we survive this hot weather? Let's take a look at some (not so) secret tips we have for you

  •  Carry drinking water with you: A body that loses a lot of sweat is often dehydrated easily. Both fatigue, heat, and sweating can cause illness, fainting, and also increase the risk of dehydration, especially for those who have to stay outdoors for a long time. So leave some space in your bag for a portable bottle of drinking water. 
  • Cool towel/handheld fan: Having a cold cloth or wet tissue to wipe you face and neck before turning on the handheld fan can make you feel cook and comfortable for several minutes. 
  • Spray or mist your face: In addition to providing freshness, there are also sprays to help control oil and provide long-lasting makeup.
  • Choose breathable clothing made of materials that ventilate heat well: Choose clothes made of linen, cotton, silk, chiffon, or denim, and choose light colors over dark ones, especially avoiding black because it will absorb heat and make us feel hotter. 
  • Apply Ice directly on your pulse: If you feel very hot, try putting something cold like ice or a glass.where you can measure your pulse. This will make your body feel cooler immediately.
      In addition to the extremely hot weather causing irritability a’d stress and recurring problem is food spoilage, which is the cause of stomach symptoms. However, you can try using these 6 tips for good health in hot weather and to stay away from diseases.


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