Warning! "Mashed bananas" are not suitable for infants.

Health News

11 Nov 2023
Warning! "Mashed bananas" are not suitable for infants.

      The debate about feeding bananas to infants under 6 months old continues, even though it has been repeatedly warned that feeding bananas to young infants can be life-threatening. However, some mothers still feed their babies bananas, citing that they have been doing it for a long time and their children have grown up fine. Today, we want to emphasize the dangers of feeding bananas to infants under 6 months old for everyone to be aware of.


  • Causes nutritional deficiency: Because the nutrients in bananas or other foods are not easily digestible and absorbable by infants, it can lead to nutritional deficiencies. The only recommended food for infants under 6 months is breast milk, and if breast milk is insufficient, it is advisable to use infant formula, and water can be offered additionally.



  • May cause bowel obstruction: Infants do not have the enzymes to digest food like adults, and although bananas are easy to digest in adults, they are not suitable for young infants.



  • Risk of choking due to airway obstruction: If even a small piece of food enters the airway while feeding, it can lead to choking, and this can be life-threatening.



      The best food for newborns is breast milk, which can be easily digested and absorbed. If other foods are fed to newborns, such as rice or bananas, these foods cannot be digested and absorbed in the stomach and intestines of the baby and can lead to bowel obstruction. In severe cases, surgery may be required to treat intestinal obstruction.

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