Why does every car need the Compulsory Motor Insurance benefits??


07 Jul 2023

Why does every car need the Compulsory Motor Insurance benefits??

      One essential requirement for every vehicle is the Compulsory Motor Insurance (C.M.I.) as it is considered mandatory insurance. The benefits of C.M.I. include providing coverage for injuries and damages resulting from accidents involving the driver, passengers, and third parties. This coverage may include medical expenses, initial compensation for damages, or compensation in case of organ loss, disability, or death. Today, we have reasons why every vehicle must have C.M.I.

  • In the event of an accident, you can immediately use your C.M.I. benefits without waiting to determine fault.
  • Whether you are intoxicated or don't have a driver's license, if the accident is covered by C.M.I., you are 100% protected.
  • C.M.I. coverage is accepted at both government and private hospitals.
  • If your vehicle is hit, regardless of whether you are walking, stationary, or driving, you can claim for compensation even without C.M.I.
  • Even a second without C.M.I. coverage leaves you unprotected.
  • Vehicles without registration can still obtain P.R.B. coverage to ensure protection in case of accidents.
  • Driving without C.M.I. can result in a maximum fine of 10,000 Baht for both the driver and the vehicle owner.
  • Always claim C.M.I. benefits in the event of a vehicle accident.

      The Compulsory Motor Insurance or the Motor Vehicle Act of 1992 is a mandatory insurance policy that every registered vehicle under the Department of Land Transport must have. It serves as a basic insurance policy to provide coverage and protection to all individuals in a vehicle or using the roads, ensuring their entitlement to medical coverage or compensation for injuries resulting from road accidents, as well as accidents involving various forms of vehicles.



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