Winter diseases that pregnant mothers need to be careful of

Health News

06 Dec 2023
Winter diseases that pregnant mothers need to be careful of

      Many people enjoy the cold weather, but did you know that cold and chilly conditions often come with viruses and bacteria that can pose health risks? As the cold winds blow, it serves as a warning sign for pregnant mothers to be cautious and protect their unborn babies from various illnesses that come with the cold weather.

  • Influenza: If you contract the flu during pregnancy, it can lead to more complications compared to the general population, especially conditions like pneumonia, bronchitis, or infections in various organs, which can be severe and even life-threatening.

  • Varicella (Chickenpox): If you get chickenpox during pregnancy, it can be a nightmare for expectant mothers. If chickenpox occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, it can cause developmental issues in the fetus. If it happens in the days before or after birth, it can result in severe and visible birth defects.

  • German Measles (Rubella): If you fall ill with German measles during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus can face multiple abnormalities, including cataracts, deafness, congenital heart defects, and significant brain abnormalities.


      During pregnancy, mothers may become more susceptible to illnesses, and getting sick can lead to more severe complications due to a weakened immune system. Therefore, it's essential to take extra precautions during the cold season. Eating nutritious food, taking prenatal vitamins, ensuring adequate rest, and engaging in appropriate physical activity can help strengthen the body, reduce the risk of illness, and ensure the well-being of the unborn child.



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